How to empty LARGE mailbox?


Verified User
Jun 17, 2008
Hi, doing a server move and 1 of my mailboxes I just spotted is insanely large (estimate about 6gb). However I can't use DA to empty it, when I select the mailbox and click "purge" from the inbox it just waits, then hangs.

It is the main catchall email of one of the accounts.

Is there a way from CLI or another way to dump all emails in that inbox?
cd /home/username/imap/

find ./cur -type f -delete
find ./new -type f -delete

Replace username, and emailname with actual values.

username = da login = domain name
emailname = preceeding email name ex. [email protected] would be bob
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Hi scsi,

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately it didn't work.

cd /home/username/imap/ had no email accounts.

However /home/ is 4.0gb

I'm thinking...

rm -rf new/* should clean it out?
Cautionary note; when removing email manually you should remove the Dovecot index files as well; they'll be recreated the next time someone logs into the mailbox.

And you should not use catchall email. Hopefully you've figured that out by now :).
