How to fight spam via Sendgrid?

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
So we are getting a lot of spam, same person/company different domains.
Especially from[/code] which send for example as [icode][email protected] and nuvolgers and kindlike but it's all the same.
I put it in code tag because I don't want to advertise for these idiots.
In the headers it looks like this:
envelope-from <[email protected]

Now I have tried to block it like this in /etc/virtual/blacklist_senders file:

In the /etc/virtual/blacklist_domains file:

But stillt he mail seems to come through.
I've reported this already with Spamcop a couple of times and also send abuse messages to Sendgrid. After which it stops a little time and then starts again to other customers on the server.

Sendgrid is not in the list. So why are these mails still getting passed these blocks.

Is there a decent way to block these without blocking the complete Sendgrid range?
Anybody a clue, maybe @mxroute an idea? Or why the block does not work? Maybe I put it wrongly in the blacklist files?
that it looks like *
Rather *@* because they use that emxxx before the domain name.

I thought since it was also supporting wildcards, I could do it like I did, but then I will change it.
If I remember correctly I also tried that one before, but maybe without the * after the @ so I will try it again and see if it works.

Thank you!
For this kind of spam, usually I need to use Regex, either on emails' header or body. But I am doing that with our SpamExperts filtering servers. Do you have any similar tool in front of your mail servers?
Thank you. No because of cost perspectives we don't use any external anti spam services like Spamexperts.
We normally don't need it either, fairly little spam is coming through normally.