How to find linux user details?


Verified User
Mar 15, 2005
Today after a server load spike i found out that a user named: 818 that i cant find on my system was the cause of such load, using proftpd server.

USER: 818
PID : 6414
CMD : proftpd:
CPU%: 0 (limit: 85)
MEM%: 0 (limit: 5)
PROCS: 12 (limit: 10)

Anyone knows what user 818 means?
Try (logged into a shell):

$ grep ":818:" /etc/passwd

If you get a line, then that's the user, and you should be able to find the user's home directory this way:

cd /home/<username>

where <usename> should be replaced by the far left part of the line returned, up to but not including the first ":" mark.

If the grep command doesn't give a response, then either you or someone else logged in as root has installed a program from an improperly configured tarball, or you've been hacked.

Note that the "$" means do it as any user; it doesn't get typed.

Thanks a lot, i have found out the user in question.

Is there any way to find out what cron jobs is this user running?