how to find used disk space ???


New member
Jun 27, 2005
Hi all,

I browsed through these forums but did not get a clear answer. I have a website at DA and i want to know how much of the diskspace i have used so far. On the control center is says i have used 33.4 megs out of 1000 megs. But that is IMPOSSIBLE since i use the site for pictures of the college where i am a teacher and i am the only one that has permission to upload. So i know it must be more than 850 megs all together. Is there not a simple way to see what space i have in use now ? With the previous Plesk i could do it easily.

Please help so that i won't exceed the webspace and create some errors ...

Just went to ftp and i found in the public_html a file of 922.218 kB created on 12/05/05. I updated it after that date. What is that file for ? Can i delete it ? How come it is sooooo big (if i add that to the picture directories, i go a lot above my 1000 MB ....) So : more mystery ...

Thanks for helping me out !

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Dont know if you have shell access:

du -sh * in your root dir will do the trick ....


localhost:/home/johndoe/domains/ du -sh *
32K logs
8.0K private_html
8.0K public_ftp
31M public_html
144K stats
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Hi Jerry and thanks for the reply !

I must admit, however, that i only built websites with dreamweaver, and uploading them with CuteFTP, so i do not have a good knowledge of the 'deeper' things ...
I even do not know if i have shell access, and what i could do with that ;) sorry ...
So if i got it, there is no simple way of retrieving webspace usage nor bandwidth usage ?? I was hoping i somehow overlooked it in the control panel, but apparantly the only info that is given there on used webspace is fault, what a pity and a missed chance for informing customers in an easy way, as it worked before with the Plesk ...
Nevertheless i hope to find a solution, because i am at the edge of my allocated webspace, so i have to be quite carefull now ...


From the user level goto "Site Summary / Statistics / Logs"
That page should give you your disk usage and allocated. If you want to find free do some simple math ;)
allocate subtract used equals free
Hi Jmstacey,

Thanks for the answer ! I just came home from work now and i have to leave in a few mins, but i will try it tonight or at latest tomorrow and let it know here....

CU !!
