How to get a VAT invoice for DA licenses


Verified User
May 14, 2008
At first I managed to get it once for 3 licenses but now i can't get any response from
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected].

For over a month I have been sending them numerus emails asking for
VAT invoice for products we bougth from them. Emails not involving VAT ware answered promptly so messages got threw to them.

Anyone else got problems with invoices ?
lazy where u based? You do realise that DA/JMBC Software is a Canada based company.
lazy where u based? You do realise that DA/JMBC Software is a Canada based company.
Yes, I'm based in Poland.

I don't think that selling goods to EU countries is unregulated in Canada.

Eaven if there would be some problems with it
1) They sent me an invoice for 3 first licenses
2) They just are ignoring my requests, I got no explanation from them
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Case closed. I got invoice.
Thanks for Your help, I guess that form did it afther all.
I hope next time it will be less peinful.
Can you explain to those of us not in the EU exactly what a VAT Invoice is, and what it must contain?



I've never before realized that a country actually legislated invoices. Here in the U.S., we send statements, not invoices. And we've never used sequential identifying invoice numbers.

Since we're NOT in a VAT-collecting country, but we do business in the UK (we have a UK-based phone number and we sell, for convenience of our UK-based clients, in GBP), should we prepare invoices for these clients? We never have, and none have ever asked us to.

(Obviously we couldn't offer some of the required items because they just don't apply to us.)


Hi Jeff,

I think UK based customers will appreciate invoices for accounting purposes.

Of course as you are US based no VAT would apply to your UK based customers.