how to increase my tmp folder size please


Verified User
Oct 5, 2013

i am trying to install this script and it need my tmp folder to be very big in order to be installed so could you please tell me how to increase it please

i am running centos 6.5 and 2 TB HDD

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Is this setup with LVM?
If yes you may try to reduce one partition with enough space and give this space to another partition, in this case /tmp, with lvreduce and lvextend command.
This can be done on the fly - resizing filesystem also with "-r" - without shutting down the server.
one last thing about the LVM that you are talking about i'm so sorry but i don't know what it is cause i wasn't who installed the OS it's the hosting provider

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I see from the picture that you don't have LVM.

Note that: "tmpfs 3.9 GB /dev/shm" is not a partition but a shared memory virtual filesystem.
This is mainly used on virtual machines (VMware) for application performance purposes, Oracle DBs, etc.

You can increase it very easily (temporarily) if you remount it with a specific size.
If for example you need a 20 GB size you can issue the command:
mount -o remount,size=20G /dev/shm
After reboot the changes get lost, unless you modify the "/etc/fstab" file and I'm not sure whether this is what you want.

Also I see a second "tmpfs 200GB /tmp" which doesn't seem right to me.
The /tmp partition is usually a separate partition something like:
/dev/sdb3    5.0G        100M      4.9G    2%      /tmp
So, I assume that your real /tmp partition is a folder inside your "/dev/sdb2 907G /" partition.

Check if you can execute:
cd /root/tmp
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If for example you need a 20 GB tmpfs you can issue the command:
mount -o remount,size=20G /dev/shm
Again, I'm not sure if this is what you need.