how to: install WordPress on very beginning

Verified User
Aug 13, 2023
Back in 2003 I started html & css to make a hobby website with notepad here at Cchosting. I made the website on my pc and then upload it with ftp. So I never had anything to do with admin. But now I want to learn about WordPress, and they say I have to install it via admin on my(?) server. But in which map: mysql, php?

Can someone here help me out of this?

greez, Marja
this basic for all installation framework.

1. Create database
2. upload your website to docs root
3. enter your site with URL like "", it will navigator you to install page.
4. input MYSQL information that you create from step 1 inside installing form.
5. input anything that showing in install page.
6. next next next button until finish...

But if your server have propack feature, go use "Wordpress Manager"
Hallo Marja,
Do you only have FTP-access the your website, or do you also have actual access to the DirectAdmin controlpanel of your website?

If you only have FTP-access to your webhosting you need to have someone at your hostingcompany create a database for you and give you the login credentials. This info is what you enter at your WordPress installation-screen.
(This forum is intended for people who run their own server or at least have access to their website's DirectAdmin controlpanel-page on their webhosting-account.)
Wordpress is usually installed in the root-directory of your webhosting.
It's not from me, but it's a very detailed manual on howto install wordpress, with pictures.

There are also many Dutch manuals when you search via Google.

This forum is intended for people who run their own server or at least have access to their website's DirectAdmin controlpanel-page on their webhosting-account.)
Only for license holders, so admins and in some cases system admins and resellers, not for end customers of hosting company's (which also have access to their DA control page). There are computerforums like to help end customers and ofcourse the hosting company.