Verified User
I've been looking it over and over and I must be missing something in the Evolution skin (1.62.6)
I logged in as admin, and then as a reseller. And now I want to logoff en back to admin. I can't figure out how to do that. Is there al "logoff" button or link I overlooked?
I tried the Control Panel - Master Login, and then selecting the "admin". But nothing happens. I can cliick on all the other users/resellers and getting a "succesfully logged as" confirmation
I logged in as admin, and then as a reseller. And now I want to logoff en back to admin. I can't figure out how to do that. Is there al "logoff" button or link I overlooked?
I tried the Control Panel - Master Login, and then selecting the "admin". But nothing happens. I can cliick on all the other users/resellers and getting a "succesfully logged as" confirmation