How to reinstall the DA backup encryption system ?


Verified User
Jul 13, 2013
How can I reinstall the backup encryption (system? )used by DA backup system ?

Something is not working well with one of our boxes and I don't want to reinstall the whole server only for this.

Don't see any weird logs so trouble shooting is not possible
Problem: (the backups are only usable on the server which makes the backups and is not exchangeable between other DA boxes)

System : Centos 8 latest

I would assume you have to decrypt the file on the source server then move them to target then encrypt the on the target server. The methods between V7 and 8 will likely be different and wouldn't allow the moving of encrypted files from one server to another.
Hi @bdacus01
I know both of the links and non of them explins how to reinstall the encryption system, only explain how to set up.
I would assume you have to decrypt the file on the source server then move them to target then encrypt the on the target server. The methods between V7 and 8 will likely be different and wouldn't allow the moving of encrypted files from one server to anothe
Nope, we have several centos7 and Centos6 boxes with encrypted files from different servers and have no problems with exchange backup files (handy when moving users)
As long as you know the password of the file, the target server decrypte the backup file without problem

As said, only one box (centos 8 ) have this problem, this can decrypt his own backup without problems.
Sadly we have only one box with centos 8 and cant test it trough , but I assume that is not the problem

Thank you for your effort

Just tested the interchangebility of backup files between servers WITHOUT encrypted backup, from Centos8 and vice versa works fine so its definitely the encryption that goes wrong
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Can you decrypt a CentOS 7 file on an 8 box manually? And vice versa on a 7 box. Using the guide. Maybe you would get some error