How to resolve issue for extra costs additional ipv4


Verified User
Jan 17, 2022
Hello all
we need virtualize Dedicated server to VPS's

Example from my Dedicated I Can create 40x VPS's

The problem is, the cost for each additional IPv4 is 3-5 euro / each ip

40x * 3-5 euro = 120 - 200 euro extra cost!

Can it be solved in some other way to avoid this cost?
You can change datacenter to cheaper one, or you can buy own IP pool, today /22 will cost about 43$/ip so total 44000$ for 1024 ips that forever yours.
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43$ it's smaller cost for PI IP, average will be near 48-50$
you can use them, for example, 5 years, and then sell 60-70$ per ip.
but if you don't want to freeze such pack of money - you can lease IPs too. Or look for datacenter bulk prices.
Yes, you have right. This is one time payment and will pay for itself over time. Thanks for the hint.

Your dc must be able to announce IP ranges, most do but not all.

Or if these are not client facing VPS'es use NAT.