How to restore an email account data ?


Verified User
Jul 27, 2009

I had create System Backup schedule by admin level, this schedule run at 1:00pm everyday that backup to another harddisk. How can I use System Backup data to restore an email account data?

For example: I want to restore an email called [email protected] in 27-07-2009,
which path I can find this email data in 27-07-2009 System Backup schedule to restore it?

Use admin backup and restore feature.
Are you mean the Admin Backup/Transfer feature by admin level, is it can backup user data and setting day by day ? If a user lose data, is it can restore them at allocate day?

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There is plenty of information on this forum already for using the Admin Backup feature and how to set it up to backup every day.
I can't find user email data in System Backup, why I can't find its?
System Backup is NOT the same as the Admin Reseller Backup.

System Backup does not backup specific users by username, it backs up files. If you cannot figure out which files (and perhaps portions of files) you need to restore then you may need help from someone who does contract systems administration.

We've successfully made several restores from System Backup, but we now use and recommend the Admin Reseller Backups.

We, and others on these forums, offer restores from System Backup as a commercial service. To contact us quickly you should probably use email or call; we do not respond to private forum messages as quickly as we do to email.

System Backup is NOT the same as the Admin Reseller Backup.

System Backup does not backup specific users by username, it backs up files. If you cannot figure out which files (and perhaps portions of files) you need to restore then you may need help from someone who does contract systems administration.

We've successfully made several restores from System Backup, but we now use and recommend the Admin Reseller Backups.

We, and others on these forums, offer restores from System Backup as a commercial service. To contact us quickly you should probably use email or call; we do not respond to private forum messages as quickly as we do to email.

Are you mean System Backup can't backup users data that just backup system setting files? If I want to restore backup specific users by username, Is I need to use Admin or Reseller Backups to do so ? I tried the Admin or Reseller Backups, it doesn't backup daily or weekly, just replaced previous backup.

I want to know the email data path from Admin Backup/Transfer !

I just know how to restore an email account data by System Backup.

Thank !
System Backup doesn't store a user email account separately; it should backup (unless you've changed the defaults) but the parts you have to restore are in different files (and even different parts of files) scattered over the backup.

If you don't know how to figure out what files and parts of files you need, then unfortunately it really can't be taught on the forum.

That's why the Admin Reseller Backup function was created, years ago.

System Backup doesn't store a user email account separately; it should backup (unless you've changed the defaults) but the parts you have to restore are in different files (and even different parts of files) scattered over the backup.

If you don't know how to figure out what files and parts of files you need, then unfortunately it really can't be taught on the forum.

That's why the Admin Reseller Backup function was created, years ago.

Vendor taught me to use System Backup to restore an email account data, also I tried it can restore an email data from System Backup. For example, I want to restore [email protected] that created by Mary user account, the backup date on 07-29-09, so the System backup path is /backup/07-29-09/custom/home/mary.tar.gz, extract the mary.tar.gz, and then find /mary/imap/, replace entire peter folder to /home/mary/imap/, and then open SqluirrelMail that see 07-29-09 email data restored.

The System Backup can backup by daily (I checked Admin Reseller Backup can 't backup by daily, it only can replace previous backup). SO I think System Backup good for restore .

Please give me recommend !

Thank !
If it works for you, then use it :).

When it was first included in DirectAdmin lots of posters complained that it required system administration skills to restore from, so DirectAdmin programmers developed the Admin Reseller Backup, which is a lot easier to restore from.
