How to restrict commands in terminal


Verified User
Feb 18, 2007
I just noticed a customer in the jailed terminal (pro pack), using the netstat command (netstat -anp | grep LISTEN) to be able to see other users usernames, what is not good for security reasons.
Is it possible to forbid such commands in the terminal?
Thank you, but isnt there maybe a chance to restrict only the terminal from propack?
To mess around with usergroups (for all given and future new users) seems a bit overkill to me. Chown is maybe a way, will look deeper in it.
Chown is maybe a way, will look deeper in it.
Chown and chmod you could change ownership and executable to root only. However, I don't know if that would also work the jailshell version, never tested it.
I'm curious if that works too so let us know please if you tested.