how to separate mysql server and web server?


Verified User
Nov 24, 2004
Hong Kong
is there any how-to?
i search on google for a whole day and cant find any useful...may be my english is too bad :mad:

am i right?
1, connect web server and mysql server with a lan cable
t2, hen use the IP of the mysql server as the host in the scripts stored in the web server
3, i can set an virtualhost such as to point to the mysql server's ip, instead of using IP for the host name

besides should i buy 1 more DA licence ?:confused:
You would not need another DA license for the mysql server if you just installed your own freebsd/linux server there and basically just MySQL. Keep in mind though that you would not be able to control the mysql server through your DA admin section.

Connecting the two could be done through a direct lan cable or through the switch (either as a vlan on it's own or not). If you have an extra network port on your DA machine, you could make that and the mysql server on a different, private network (like 192.168.2.x, etc.) which would add a level of safety because someone would basically have to hack your DA machine to get into the mysql machine.

I've only really had to do this once and I am sure there are people with more information......
thx for ur reply

for example, i have 2 dedicated ips
how can i set IP2 to a private IP such as 198.xx.0.1?
Do you have two network ports in your server? If you do, you would set one of them to the public IP address and the other to the private IP address.