How to setup :fail: and :blackhole: for an email address?


Verified User
Dec 28, 2020
I'd like to disable incoming mail to one of my email addresses. Whether an user sends a message to the address, the address will automatically return a "not delivered" message to the user. I've seen this page, but I don't know how to implement that. Which command lines should I run?
My good guess is that the link is pointing to user level forwards, which could be used by you too.
If you don't want any mail to that address, go to user level, then e-mail and there create a new forwarder for this e-mail and at the destination e-mail you fill in :fail: or :blackhole: at least that is how I understand it.
If you can barely understand it, imagine me... I not even know how to start.

From DA GUI, something like?

User>Forwarder>Create EMail Forwarder> Your Choice

Never used it, looks like this would work.
Not even know how to start? You're admin right? With my directions you should be able to find the forwarders in the email section.
Same as BillyS says.

Screenshot, click here:

Then click the "create e-mail forwarder" button, and then fill in the e-mail address you don't want mail to, and from the dropdown menu select the fail or blackhole option. And when ready click the "create" button.


Just go and have a look there, it shows itself.
Oh, here I was thinking it was all from command line............................
Ooooh... LoL no... most things are easy via the GUI these days. :)
I always tell people in my instructions if they need to use SSH.