How to tell DA which specific IP to use?


Verified User
Jan 22, 2005
Basically my DA keeps spitting back:

2009:11:07-17:31:00: The ip of this machine (x.x.x.x) does not match the ip in the license file.<br>
Check the value of your ethernet_dev=bge0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig<br>

even when I have told it the proper one that is in the license and is bound to the server. I thought there was some method if needed to specify the IP it is supposed to use in directadmin.conf?

I've been searching quite awhile now for it and can not find it yet anywhere. :confused:
The IP number assigned by Directadmin must be the primary IP on your server. If you need to make changes to the IP# number in the license, contact DirectAdmin Sales.

Actually is does not have to be the primary ip, it can be an alias. But you have to specify the device in directadmin.conf. Look for ethernet_dev=eth0 and specify the device that the ip is on and then restart directadmin.