How to tell if modrewrite is installed?


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
A client of mine was trying to do a few things with WordPress on her account and ran into some issues of the program modifying it's URL into a simple URL. Anyway she emailed me saying the people the WordPress support forum said it was the result of not having modrewrite installed. Is there anyway I can tell as to whether this is or is not installed?
I checked by following the instructions there and it appears I do NOT have mod-rewrite installed. How would I go about getting this taken care of? I assume via the recompiling of apache?
I checked by following the instructions there and it appears I do NOT have mod-rewrite installed.
SSH to the server and run this command:
/usr/sbin/httpd -l | grep mod_rewrite

This is the easiest way to check if Apache module is installed. Yes, you'll have to re-compile mod_rewrite with Apache.
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This is what I get so appearantly it is installed. Any one have any ideas as to why the end user is having issues and the software company told them it's a mod_rewrite issue?

[root@stargatesg1 root]# /usr/sbin/httpd -l | grep mod_rewrite
[root@stargatesg1 root]#