How to tell my provider to install DA?


Verified User
Jan 5, 2006
Very quick question, I just bought a new dedicated server and ask my host to install DA. They told me they don't know how, and I have no clue as well.

What information that I need to supply to them? What steps should I take? I have lifetime external DA license.

Thank you,
My understanding is that DirectAdmin lifetime external licenses come with installation; you should contact DirectAdmin Sales for more information.

We also offer custom DirectAdmin installs, including a lot security and optimization configuration. For more information email me at the address below in my siglines.

You should know two things:
1. If your server is fully managed consider changing of provider. A really fully managed provider can't say you: "We don't know how to make such things."
2. If your server isn't fully managed you must install your applications in your server. They don't have to install anything for you.
including a lot security and optimization configuration.

Hello Jeff,

What is security? I have intertallert DA itself, is something important I did not knew about the installation? I have just followed installation guied and installed. Please explain me

Thank you in advance

If you really need help understanding the concept of security, then I'm going to humbly suggest that you really need to either get a fully managed server (including DirectAdmin management) or hire a third party to do your secruity and maintenance.

While companies such as mine will cost you something, not using one may cost you your entire business, your credibility on the 'net, your internet connection, and a lot of other problems.

If you'd really knew the value of your information and your customers you should buy a fully managed server. If you ask if your server is secure probably it doesn't.