How to test a private folder?


Verified User
Feb 8, 2008
Hallo I need to go and test a site located in the private_html folder.
As a rule, you just visit
and have access to it but, what about the site located in the secure folder that should be used with a SSL certicate. How to reach it via IP ?

All the best.
@scsi: Please don't post incorrect information.

@gigi: you can't easily do this at the server level because by default apache will only look into public_html.

What you can do is make a change to your local hosts file. I just wrote about this in detail today so I won't repeat myself. Please search these forums.

Please jlasman post the link to the post, I need to solve this argument..
tks :)
I don't see any argument. Please learn how to search the forums. That way you could find answers without having to wait days and without having to inconvenience others to find posts that have already answered your question.

Click on advanced search.

Since I said I'd made the post, look for a post on the subject hosts file and enter my username as the user who made the post. Also click on show results as posts. You'll find it near the top.

Maybe you should first consider that this forum is not so tiny to find everything with a snapshot, then when you don't know how to face up a problem even a term such as host file (really generic, doesn't it?) could give back tons of results. I would never searched for it, actually, and you have signed hundreds of post in here.
Not all people in this forum are expert professionals, but they do their best to solve problems.

Thanks for your effort to reply.
As I hope you realize, gigi, I gave you all the information you needed to find the post. I did that because I believe teaching is important.

And hopefully you'll learn how to search for what you need. That way you won't have to wait for people who either know the answer or are willing to find it for you.

Yes, I've made hundreds (actually over 18,000 as of today) posts in these forums, most of them helpful. I spend an average of over an hour a day helping on these forums. So I reserve the right to hope people will learn to help themselves.

The way I learned how to search forums was by doing it, and hopefully you'll learn the same way.

Here's a tip: Use Google Advanced Search rather than the forum search function.
