How to uninstall CustomBuild and keep setting, then reinstall again?


Verified User
Sep 26, 2022
I don't know why directadmin's CustomBuild always switch between 2.0.0 and 2.0.0 (rev: 2945)

Also I see
[1mYour DirectAdmin version (2138cff12eb6d60eec6bde18b2bf38b208f9ae51) is older than minimal required for this version of CustomBuild (1.63). Please run '/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build update_da'(B[m
This message at my custombuild's "Edit Options" page

ask I know for now:
They may install CustomBuild via plugin manager or something else, so can I just uninstall CustomBuild via plugin manager and run those command for keep my old setting and reinstall new CustomBuild via ssh?

cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_old
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build update_da

Thank you so much
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I don't know why you trying to reinstall Custombuild by yourself, since it bundle with Directadmin Binary. Just remove your custom cronjob that update your custombuild.

p.s. All "custombuild.tar.gz" in any mirrors will be old version. Not trying to update from that link.
I don't know why you trying to reinstall Custombuild by yourself, since it bundle with Directadmin Binary. Just remove your custom cronjob that update your custombuild.

p.s. All "custombuild.tar.gz" in any mirrors will be old version. Not trying to update from that link.
Thank you, I find the problem now.

This is because Custombuild's UI cause this problem, They(UI) haven't updated in a long time
May I ask you one thing: which source you suggestion to install custombuild.tar.gz?

Thank you so much
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It’s bundled now with every version of DirectAdmin, you don’t have to install/update it manually anymore.

./build update is also now not used anymore to update CB and versions.txt.
It’s bundled now with every version of DirectAdmin, you don’t have to install/update it manually anymore.

./build update is also now not used anymore to update CB and versions.txt.
Thank you so much