How to update or install to the Lastest MySQL


Verified User
Mar 19, 2005
San Jose CA
How do I update my server - running DA and CentOS 4 to get mysql 5.1, anything I wshould be concerned about or set up pre and post install?
I looked on the threads

I have been reading the threads for several hours and I haven't found any postings of it, can you point one out? Also if you don't want to be helpful don't reply to a post, a message board isn't your personal scolding mechanism as much as it isn't anyone's automated search enigne. It is as wrong of you to be short and curt with others is it is for someone to be a user and not read threads and think others would do work for them. That isn't the case here, your assumptions not withstanding.
I've edited my post to avoid the impression of scolding you.

I've tried several searches myself, upgrade MySQL and Update MySQL.

Ok I'll read up on those links, that's all I was asking for. I have read posts about installing a bunch of packages but I didn't see any that addresses MySql
You're welcome. Of course you're right. I actually read every post on these forums. So I do get short with folk sometimes just because I've spent four hours reading posts.

I've just noticed the thread was in the wrong sub-forum, and I've moved it to MySQL / PHP, which is where I think it belongs.

Great, understanding and communication is a good thing. Having been using message boards in learning linux and server administration, I find that some people use it as a forum to be uncourteous to others and I think it is important to keep communications polite as well as technically sound.

Anyway, I just did a bunch of make and make installs for mysql, apache, and php as well as zend. Everything installs fine with no errors while doing that, but when I edit the httpd.conf file to add the modules and restart httpd I get tese errors:

"undefined symbol: apr_table_set" for the and when I go back to php4

"Invalid command 'Order', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"

Having to do with the directives surrounding var/wwwhtml in httpd.conf line 84

Any ideas?