How to use DA and Fetchmail?


Verified User
Nov 13, 2009
Hi to everyone,

I need to setup the following scenario:

UTM App ->Remote mail server w/DA -> SMTP Server at clients location, with GroupWise.

What I don't know is how to ridirect the emails that are stored at remote mail server to the clients server.

I'm looking for the fecthmail solution, but that is requiring a additional server at client's for fetching and sending to the GW smtp, but I don't know where the mailboxes are stored, the one's that are created inside the DA gui.

Can someone share some ideas and recommendations?

Thanks in advance.

If you're using Dovecot/Maildir on your server then user-based mailboxes are in the /home/USERNAME/Maildir path, and virtual mailboxes (created by users) are in the /home/USERNAME/imap path (even though they may be used for POP3).

If you're using mbox on your server then the user-based mailboxes are in the /var/spool/mail path and the virtual mailboxes are in the /var/spool/virtual path.

Hi, and thank you Jeff.

I'm going to look into it, thanks for again for your info.

Hi, again, so just look it and found it inside the iMAP dir, inside the user used to administer the domain.

So my question is, can i use that structure, for the virtual user, and create the .fetchmailrc inside? and that so use the fetchmail server?

Thanks again