As Jeff mentioned, you may run into several hurdles doing it that way.
If the config file paths are different, that's not the end of the world, as you can adjust all httpd.conf paths in the directadmin.conf file.
Another thing you might run into would be binaries with different names. If the binary is "apache2" instead of "httpd", then DA wouldn't be able to see it running, and would panic and keep trying to restart it to get it going, so you'd have to update the /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/service.status file accordingly.
The boot script called by DA is always going to be httpd, so you'd have to ensure the boot script is still httpd and from there can link it to "apache" or whatever the yum version uses.
If DA has any modules that it expects that the precompiled apache doesn't have, you may have troubles.. (but can edit the virtual_host*.conf templates as needed).
Regarding "compiling every time", if your modules are created as dso, then you do not require to recompile apache, that's what dso modules are for. The catch is that the yum modules are not likely configured with our apache, thus you'd have to compile the dso module from source.
So as Jeff mentioned, in theory yes, but because it's not a DirectAdmin standard, I wouldn't be surprized if you end up spending more time trying to make the yum version work, rather than just using the system we provide that's already avaiable for you. Yes compiles take 5 minutes, but it's 5 minutes of waiting for one simple command to finish, vs many potential hours of fighting through setups to make the non-DA-supported yum version work.