httpd dead: Syntax error on line 30 of httpd.conf: Invalid command php_admin_flag


Verified User
Apr 1, 2009

the problem began yesterday when I tried to update MySQL from 5.0.x to 5.1 via

./build versions
./build update_versions

At the end of the updating process I was told to execute

./build php n

So I followed the suggestion and this is the result:

[root@xenia custombuild]#service httpd restart
httpd beenden: [FEHLGESCHLAGEN]
httpd starten: Syntax error on line 30 of /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'php_admin_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

So my Apache is dead at the moment. :(

This is the output from ./build versions:

[root@xenia custombuild]#./build versions
Latest version of DirectAdmin: 1.33.6
Installed version of DirectAdmin: 1.33.6

Latest version of Apache: 2.2.11
Installed version of Apache: 2.2.11

Latest version of ProFTPD: 1.3.2
Installed version of ProFTPD: 1.3.2

Latest version of PCRE: 7.8
Installed version of PCRE: 7.8

Latest version of curl: 7.19.4
Installed version of curl: 7.19.4

Latest version of FreeType: 2.3.9
Installed version of FreeType: 2.3.9

Latest version of AWstats: 6.9
Installed version of AWstats: 6.9

Latest version of dovecot: 1.1.14
Installed version of dovecot: 1.1.14

Latest version of MySQL: 5.1.34
Installed version of MySQL: 5.1.34

Latest version of PHP (CLI): 5.2.9
Installed version of PHP (CLI): 5.2.9

Latest version of Zend Optimizer: 3.3.3
Installed version of Zend Optimizer: 3.3.3

Latest version of phpMyAdmin: 3.1.4-all-languages
Installed version of phpMyAdmin: 3.1.4-all-languages

Latest version of SquirrelMail: 1.4.17
Installed version of SquirrelMail: 1.4.17

The OS is CentOS 5.3 64 bit.

Thank you for reading! Can somebody help me please?

What are the php settings in your options.conf file?

./build all d
./build rewrite_confs
Hello John,

as I have already told you via e-mail, I have rebuilt my VPS (CentOS 5.3, 64 bit) and reinstalled Directadmin from the scratch.

Therefore I am unfortunately not able to help you anymore, regarding the issue of this topic.

But please keep on investigating, because there will be other people with the same problem.

As Directadmin is a commercial control panel, you should try to make it fool proof, which it is not yet (please see my response to your e-mail e.g.).

Kind regards
Wolfgang Weber
Hello John,

as I have already told you via e-mail, I have rebuilt my VPS (CentOS 5.3, 64 bit) and reinstalled Directadmin from the scratch.

Therefore I am unfortunately not able to help you anymore, regarding the issue of this topic.

But please keep on investigating, because there will be other people with the same problem.

As Directadmin is a commercial control panel, you should try to make it fool proof, which it is not yet (please see my response to your e-mail e.g.).

Kind regards
Wolfgang Weber
Well really, this problem in particular seems out of DA's hands. PHP and Apache aren't built into Directadmin in any way. It's up to you to build them and use the configurations best for your server.
Do you have any custom Apache templates in /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom ? PHP-CLI (mod_php) is set in your configuration files, however I think you have chosen PHP-CGI in the options.conf file.
I have rebuilt my VPS (CentOS 5.3, 64 bit) and reinstalled Directadmin from the scratch.

Therefore I am unfortunately not able to help you anymore, regarding the issue of this topic.

But please keep on investigating, because there will be other people with the same problem.

So how is anyone supposed to be able to investigate if you have deleted the problem? You were the only one currently having the problem. You rebuilt your VPS. Problem solved.

As Directadmin is a commercial control panel, you should try to make it fool proof, which it is not yet

At least you admit you are a fool. :) Just kidding.

But seriously you were the only one having this problem and if you want somebody to fix what caused the problem then all the evidence needs to remain in place. But you deleted it all so now no one knows what really happened that lead up to the problem. Its just guess work now.
Alright so , i was installing Horde mail today, and i ran into the same error as the Original poster, tryingto rebuild now with build phpd and suphp d ... not sure if this is gonna work but ill let you all know

I am also receiving this error and that too after upgrading mysql !!

please guide !
Had done that already but didn't worked.

I noticed when I did so, its compiling php4.x but I have php5 as default while php4 as CGI .

I then tried ./build php5-cli

And after that it worked.
I hope it will help others in future.
Sounds like your php settings in your options.conf are not what you're trying to accomplish. Make sure you have php5_cli=yes set, and all of the other php's set to no.
