Httpd <defunct>, load goes up


Verified User
Apr 14, 2005

I have DA version 1.235 running at a CentOS 3.4 box. The apache version used is 1.3.33.

The prblem that I experience is that every once in a while (Once in a few days, as far as i can see) an apache process hangs, gets renamed: httpd <defunct>, and then dies.

A new process is started automaticly. So everything keeps working. But still I do have a problem with this:

- For a short period of time (5 minutes), the system load goes up to about 8. Pages are loading very, very slow.
- I run one site that offers big files for download. I think those downloads will get interrupted, resulting in corrupt files for the visitors. Not too great if that happens to a whole bunch of people every few days.

Is this a know problem? Any ideas what this could be causing?

Thanks for you help :)
i had this problem in one box , you may want to email DA support ..

they have a fix
A process named "httpd <defunct>" isn't using any resources; it just hasn't been removed from the process table yet.

If you believe that's not the case, then it's a bug in the OS Kernel and should be brought to the attention of the kernel maintainers. Of course you'd want to double check quite carefully before posting a bug in the kernel.
