httpd restart on add user


Verified User
Jul 13, 2011
Does directadmin restart the httpd when I add a user via API?
If not, Why when I add a user it took a little while to active that host?
I've a code that add user via API and just after that access a file on that host via http://xx.xx.xx.xx/~username/index.html but usually I'm getting a 404 error and my code must wait a little while to not getting that 404.

any help would be much appreciated.
How long is your "a little while"? It usually takes up to one minute to start executing task from task-queue, httpd restarting is also done within 1 minute if necessary. Of course if you did not modified directadmin cron tasks.
Thank you, I need to run the task when it adds and I don't want to wait for a minute.
Is there any way that I run the task when I want, without making change in Directadmin cron?
Thank you, but my problem is why directadmin restart httpd after adding a host? Is there any way to add Host and httpd doesn't restart by directadmin?
After adding a new virtualhost apache needs to re-read configs, it can be done only either on restart or reload. There is no other way.