I can't send my email to hotmail


Verified User
Oct 31, 2006
I use DA with CentOS 64 bit, so strange..!

I can send to everywhere except hotmail.

My problem occurs only web-base email, but Outlook is OK!

Anyone know this cause? or i have set wrong config sth.

I'll show my email header:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from host.domain.com ([203.150.225.xxx]) by bay0-mc7-f5.bay0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2444); Mon, 18 Dec 2006 19:20:39 -0800
Received: from localhost ([] helo= host.domain.com with esmtpa (Exim 4.60)(envelope-from <[email protected]>)id 1GwVJp-0007pQ-MPfor [email protected]; Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:07:05 +0700
Received: from phpmailer ([]) by with HTTP (UebiMiau);Tue, 19 Dec 2006 10:07:05 +0700
X-Message-Info: txF49lGdW43tSKIein8ORMaejAjWWzFi0zp21tpZMJY=
X-Mailer: UebiMiau [PHPMailer version 1.70]
X-Antivirus-Scanner: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Dec 2006 03:20:39.0956 (UTC) FILETIME=[A8B0BD40:01C7231C]

Anyone can help me?

Thank you in advance.
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More Information

I send simple message like" hello" or sth in english.

In the same message, webmail can't send to hotmail but outlook is ok. so strange with my webmail..!

If i send in other langange by webmail or reply email back, Hotmail will get it.

hotmail don't block or blacklist my server. but hotmail drop my email before into inbox. Why hotmail filters my email come from webmail but outlook don't do it.

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I checked my mail log and it showed my email has sent completely.

Hotmail got my email but they dropped it.

Why hotmail looks at my email from webmail as spam?

Something wrong in DA?

Install mistake? or Sth wrong... :(

Anyone can solve this problem.
I have senderID.
My email is not in junkbox also.
It's disappeared.
Hotmail informed that they got my email but their system filtered my email as spam, I use server with new IP address.

Why I use outlook is ok? same text..

Webmail Header have problem?

I have added my email as white list in hotmail also but it's not better.
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If the people at Hotmail can't tell you what they're doing with your email, why do you think we can?

The problem is at Hotmail.

The only thought that comes to mind is your mail from your local system isn't going out through your server, and somehow Hotmail has blocked your sever.
