I can't stop the exim service !!!


Verified User
Jan 5, 2006
I come from Never
I mean sometimes in my DA control panel....and also in the shell...when I type "service exim stop",It looks doing nothing?

Then I use ntsysv commend ,to stop that service ,reboot the service ,It stopped ,but just for a longer time....next day ,I find the exim is still on....and the pid is high...the load average is very high......I know my user don't need the service ..so I want to stop it quitely........

I try killall -TERM exim,it works..but still for a shorter time///

Some one helps me??
You must stop exim from the control panel as the first step, or else DirectAdmin will restart it every time it sees that it's down.

The exim stop command from the DA control panel will stop the main exim process, and will keep new processes from being restarted by incoming emails.

To stop all the remaining exim processes without waiting for them to either finish or timeout, you can log in as root, and run:

# killall exim

and then if that still leaves some processes:

# killall -9 exim

jlasman said:
You must stop exim from the control panel as the first step, or else DirectAdmin will restart it every time it sees that it's down.

The exim stop command from the DA control panel will stop the main exim process, and will keep new processes from being restarted by incoming emails.

To stop all the remaining exim processes without waiting for them to either finish or timeout, you can log in as root, and run:

# killall exim

and then if that still leaves some processes:

# killall -9 exim


But when I see the exim is on..and with high pid...I can't stop the service in the control panel....press the "stop" many many times ...still won't work:(
Most likely it's stopped the main exim process, but you can't tell that from the DA interface.

And it can take a long time to stop the rest of the processes. If you really need to stop them all, then reread what I wrote above, and try it. It does work but you may have to run that kill -9 exim command over again many times.

DA will kill the main process (the one with the pid written to /var/run/exim.pid), all the other processes are communicating with another SMTP server/client and will exit when their task is done. Sometimes that can take a while, and hitting stop in DA won't even attempt to kill those processes.