I need to install PHP 8.2 in to DirectAdmin


New member
Aug 20, 2024
Por favor, necesito instalar PHP 8.2; ya que DirectAdmin tiene como última version 8.1; por indicar paso a paso para instalación

Please, I need to install PHP 8.2; since DirectAdmin has the latest version 8.1; to indicate step by step for installation

1. Go to DirectAdmin custombuild folder:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

2. Change the CustomBuild configuration for it to allow several PHP versions. It can be done by changing the “options.conf” file or using SSH and command line. While you still are in the CustomBuild folder, change the required options:

./build set php1_mode php-fpm<br>./build set php2_mode php-fpm<br>./build set php1_release 7.3<br>./build set php2_release 7.0

3. Open the “options.conf” file:

Check if the lines are as seen bellow:<br><br>php1_release=7.3<br>php1_mode=php-fpm<br>php2_release=7.0<br>php2_mode=php-fpm

4. Recompile PHP (it will take a while):

./build php n

5. Update the configuration:

./build rewrite_confs

Now you will be able to change the PHP versions for each domain inside the DirectAdmin control panel.

By default, all the websites on your control panel will be using the “php1_release” set PHP version.

If you want to change the PHP version for the specific website, login into your DirectAdmin control panel, press on the “User Level” and select the domain. Then click on “Domain Setup” and on the bottom, you will see a possibility to select the wanted PHP version.
Disculpe, pero no puedo acceder a esa carpeta.
Captura de pantalla 2024-08-24 224315.png


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You are login as end user. If you want to have php 8.2, you must login as Admin.
Then go to custombuild, option tab. Change 1 of 4 php vesion to 8.2.
After that, you update custombuild
Excuse my ignorance in this area, but I can do the PHP change and it's PHP 8.1, what I can't find is how to get to cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

There is my problem, I go to file manager, I can't find the usr folder; thanks for all the attention
Screenshot 2024-08-26 115555.png
First, be logged in as Admin, then under
Extra Features
go to
go to
Search for PHP Settings --> change one of the php versions (pref. php 5.6 to 8.2)

Go back to Custombuild --> Update and build 8.2 there.

Then login as user and select 8.2
how to get to cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
That's only if you want to execute the command via console. You have to login via SSH for that as root or become root.

But you can also do this just via Custombuild GUI, change things in there and build if required. If you do it via the GUI then your don't need to go via console. So you don't need the command then.