I want to access the SSH to the server.


New member
Jun 17, 2021
I use directadmin for the first time.
I can't figure it out even if I read the guide.

I'm reseller user and I want to access the SSH to the server. Because I have to install PHP on server.

I don't know what the hell SSH Key is. What should I do from the beginning to access the server with SSH?

Please help me!
Please ask your hosting provider,

Because you need Admin Level to access Custombuild
Because you need Admin Level to access Custombuild
You're referring to the custombuild plugin which is not installed by everybody.

For SSH, you need to contact your admin anyway, because he has to either activate SSH in your reseller package or grant you direct SSH access. And you need the root pass to be able to install php.

So either way, we can't help you. For the big things, you have to be an admin or get admin permissions.