Ideas to implement turck mmcache encoder


Verified User
Feb 12, 2004
I finally got turck mmcache installed and running properly on my FreeBSD system. (should I write a HowTo?)

Does anybody have any thoughts as to how I can make the encoder tool available to my users so that they can encode their own files on my server and not have a security risk? I don't think there is any other convenient(sp) method for users to encode files.

No users have ssh access until its jailed properly so the only access that I can think of is by the web. But I have no clue on how I can implement it safely.

Would the best way to do it, be to modify the script and instead of entering local paths, have the user upload the file and it will encode it and make it available for download from a temporary directory?

I'm looking forward to your ideas and suggestions :)
quote "Jason Sheets has written PHPCoder a GUI front end to the Turck MMCache Encoder.

PHPCoder is a web-based front-end to the Turck MMCache encoding functions and allows you to easily encode your PHP scripts into non-reverisble byte-code. It allows you to set restrictions on the encoded scripts, for example you can lock a script to a particular server IP address, server host name, visitor IP, or even place a time limit on the script so it will expire after x amount of time. PHPCoder also allows you to specify Text, HTML or PHP code that should be prepended and appended to each file before it is encoded, allowing you to easily and securely implement your own licensing scheme.

PHPCoder is available at "

- from
The cheap solution is to design a web page that would allow a user to upload the file, and immediately redirect to a download link for the converted file. So in one pass they would upload and then be presented with the "Open/Save As" box which they would choose where to save it to.
Thusky, can you find that gui tool on the website? I couldn't, perhaps I'm missing it, do you have a more direct link?