imagejpeg() not working


Verified User
Mar 19, 2004
Can anyone out there get calls to imagejpeg() to work? I have calls to imagepng() working just fine but imagejpeg() produces emtpy images. (no errors, just blank images) :(

Any ideas on what might be missing? I'm not a graphics guy so a lot of this goes over my head. :)
Yeah everything is built from scratch. I'm the guy that started that thread, BTW.

I notice that DA specifies it's own location for jpeg libraries when building php. I wonder if they have forgotten something. Anyone know why they provide their own jpeg libs rather than relying on the ones from the unix distro?

Is it because they can't be sure that they will be installed by the distro so they just include their own to save support problems. Or is there something "special" about their version?
I had a litle time to test this out and compiled php 3.4.10 and specified the FC1 location of libjpeg (instead of DA's location).

Yes the libjpeg-devel package was also installed.

In short it compiles fine but calls to imagejpeg() still does not work.

Anyone have any ideas what is missing?
I know this is pretty late, but I experienced an imagejpeg issue aswell.

The solution wass to download and install jpeg-6b manually.
Find the src package at
Extract it, and install it. Make sure you ./configure --enable-shared!

With */customapache/build all make sure you select 'Y' when asked to rebuild GD.

This did it for me, maybe somebody else will benefit from it.
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