

Verified User
Nov 27, 2005
I installed Coppermine Photo Gallery and need to install ImageMagick... how do I use wget to get ImageMagick on my server - and once I get it (I assume it is a tar file) how do I untar it? - Thanks
I'll bite.
You're going to want to check out which will have much more detailed instructions than anything I can give you here.

We're going to make some assumptions here, since you didn't give us a lot to work on. Let's start with your operating system. I assume this is Linux. I also assume you're comfortable with the development tool chain. We're also assuming you have no out-dated versions of ImageMagick installed.
Let's assume you're comfortable with using sites like SourceForge, and that you've got a command line up. Let's also assume you're logged in as you, not as root, for the sake of security.

You're going to want to change to /usr/src:
cd /usr/src

and then wget ImageMagick-6.2.6-0.tar.gz:

wget will then fetch this item for you, and deposit it in your current working directory. Now, decompress the archive:
tar zxf ImageMagick-6.2.6-0.tar.gz

Good. You should now have a directory called "ImageMagick-6.2.6" and a file called "ImageMagick-6.2.6-0.tar.gz." Change your current working directory to ImageMagick-6.2.6:
cd ./ImageMagick-6.2.6

and run the included configuration script:
./configure --help

This returns a whole lot of options. Let's work with some reasonable defaults:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-perl --with-gslib

This will configure the makefile for your system, after rooting out all of the installed required dependencies, or failing, and telling you which dependencies you need to install. If you're missing things that you think are important (like JPEG or GIF libraries) you're going to have to install those first.

Now, if configuration was successful, type "make" and go get a beverage or a sandwich. Come back in a few minutes, and you'll see if it completed successfully or not. If it failed, you'll see an error, which you can look up through Google or the ImageMagick forums for more info. Assuming it compiled successfully, type "make install" to install ImageMagick to your system.

Voila. Quick and dirty built-from-source. Of course, if you wanted to do it faster, you could just use a prebuilt binary from the project home page.
Just a suggestion.
Whatever. Same basic concept. The difference is semantic at this point. So check out their page, look for prebuilt binaries from them, and install those.
Ok - thanks, that seems to have worked correctly. I use CopperMine photo gallery - and it ask for "path to ImageMagick - what would that be? -Thanks
From the command line, type:

which convert

which should likely return something along the lines of

whatever it returns is the directory path to the installed image magick.
tsunami# whereis convert
convert: /usr/local/bin/convert /usr/local/man/man1/convert.1

so what does this tell me?
Whereis imagemagick wouldn't work. There is no "imagemagick" binary. There are "Magick++-config", "Magick-config", "Wand-config", "animate", "compare", "composite", "conjure", "convert", "display", "identify", "import", "mogrify", and "montage" binaries. Any one of those would work with whereis.
Actually it does work -

tsunami# whereis ImageMagick
ImageMagick: /usr/local/man/man1/ImageMagick.1 /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick

.. just gotta figure out if it is actually running.
Dont you just love the DA forum ?

:D :D :D

Webslum is right , it is finding your port now, not your binariy , try one of his search words and you`ll be fine.

You can also do a pkg_version -v and look if your ImageMagick is in there so you're sure it`s installed.
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I made a post on CopperMine's site - but this makes me worry -

bsdpan-DBD-mysql-3.0002 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-DBI-1.50 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Digest-1.10 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Digest-SHA1-2.10 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-HTML-Parser-3.37 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Image-Magick-6.2.6 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.001000 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-DNS-0.53 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-IP-1.23 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-IRC-0.75 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Storable-2.13 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-mod_perl-1.29 ! Comparison failed

.. as if something may be wrong. I'm very new to this and don't understand why the files in /usr/src are there - that is where I did wget for the tar.gz file - and in THAT directory are ImageMagick-6.2.6 (directory) and the orig tar.gz file.

would the ImageMagick-6.2.6 directory be where my ImageMagick path should point to?

- Thanks
The "whereis" command returned the location of a BSD port file, and a man page, neither of which is any help to you.

Your path to the imagemagick binaries is "/usr/local/bin", or just "/usr/local" if it needs a path to shared files and libraries.

ImageMagick is a set of user-space binaries that are called when used (like ls or cp), not a daemon that runs on your system (like nfs, httpd, or named). So it's not a question of "is it running", but rather "where are the programs?"

In this case, it's /usr/local/bin you're concerned with.

Now, about all of this:

bsdpan-DBD-mysql-3.0002 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-DBI-1.50 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Digest-1.10 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Digest-SHA1-2.10 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-HTML-Parser-3.37 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Image-Magick-6.2.6 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.001000 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-DNS-0.53 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-IP-1.23 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Net-IRC-0.75 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-Storable-2.13 ! Comparison failed
bsdpan-mod_perl-1.29 ! Comparison failed

These are, for the most part, modules you're missing. Where did you get this error message from? Under the circumstances, it looks like you don't have any of these modules that it depends on installed, or it doesn't know where to find them. Both are possible. The majority of these look like perl modules or PEAR modules, though SpamAssassin and ImageMagick are stand-alone programs. I reserve the right to be wrong.

Did you check the list of requirements for coppermine, and have you considered using something else, like Gallery 2.0?

If you want, I'll be more than happy to work through all of this with you at your leisure. I'm on AIM right now as "ryan mckern", and I'm fairly comfortable with what you're trying to do.

Let me know if you want some help that is a bit more robust than I can offer on the forum.
did you download the source and compile it yourself?

it might have been easier if you had done something along the lines of the following

# cd /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/
# make install clean

Also what command are you running to get the bsdpan listings. I normally get it when trying to deinstall a port which has links to perl. Its nothing to worry about the reason for it is that DirectAdmin installs some things and puts notices of them in /var/db/pkg (dont remove them though) and there is no corresponding version of them in ports tree so the port installer doesnt know how to handle them so it lets you know.

Also /usr/src is where you would normally keep your system source code. as in the code which you would use to recompile your OS. Its better to keep things you download either in your home directory or in a /root/installers directory or something along those lines.

Further pkg_version -v will tell you which ports are installed and their version information. If you have downloaded ImageMagick yourself and built it then it wont be listed in there, commonly only ports and tgz packages will put entries in there. Again I would recommend using the ports tree for just about everything.

if you go and 'make install' in /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui then you can use the cvsup command to update your ports tree. Once installed I normally do this
# mkdir -p /root/supfiles/
# cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile /root/supfiles
then edit the /root/supfiles/ports-supfile and set this line
to a cvsup mirror server near to me
then go down a bit further and comment out 'ports-all' then go down to the individual port types and uncomment the lines you think you will need. I normally do most of them except for the foreign language ports.
Save the file and then run
# cvsup -g -L2 /root/supfiles/ports-supfile
# cd /usr/ports
# make fetchindex

after this you can run pkg_version -L= -v to list out all of the ports you have installed on your system which are out of date. Also if you need to find the location of a port you can do something like this
# cd /usr/ports
# make search key=what_i_am_looking_for
if that returns a bit of a mess you might want to either pipe the output through more (or less)
# make search key=what_i_am_looking_for | more
# make search key=what_i_am_looking_for | less

or possibly just get the paths and guess from there which is the right one
# make search key=what_i_am_looking_for | grep Path:

the latter usually works for me.

I hope this is useful for at least someone, its not really completely on the subject of ImageMagick, but it might help.
I don't have a cd /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/
directory - I have usr/ports/graphics but no Imagemagick in graphics.
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PCTech said:
I don't have a cd /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/
directory - I have usr/ports/graphics but no Imagemagick in graphics.
It should appear if you run cvsup. If it still doesnt then check to see if you have ports-graphics uncommented in your ports-supfile.