Imagick installed but wordpress cannot find the module...


New member
Oct 1, 2024
Hello and thanks for reading,

As usual with DirectAdmin, the simplest tasks using Cpanel or Plesk become a huge problem in DirectAdmin. Worst mistake ever to try to save money and move from CPanel but I digress...

Thousands of images in my website are WebP with transparency and they show in message and search engine snippets all pixelated and with a horrible black background. I read all over the place one of the culprits might be an outdated version of GD so I tried to install Imagick and then in Wordpress the ImageMacick plugin. I gt a "Imagick PHP module not found".

First I enabled it with the "yes" portion so it could be installed via custombuild, it went through fine. It installed Imagemagick 7.1.1-38
I also added the Imagick 3.7.0 PHP extension. it built fine.

Got the error in the wordpress plugin.

I have found so many pages in google with people with similar problems, and as usual I see one of the DirectAdmin guys provides super arrogant and evasive (and useless) answers.

I have tried adding to my php.ini, but even the simplest of tasks like restarting my php-fpm becomes a nightmare...
This forum (one more issue with directadmin) I guess only gives 10 minutes to edit so I could not finish the post, I continue...

Turns out I can't even see my directories as root it just shows anaconda-ks.cfg and I can't go anywhere from there

No matter what command I use to try to restart my php it gives me a service not found or a not found in one way or another.

/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/services.status gives me a permission denied as root

systemctl restart php81-fpmor any other flavor of this type of command always gives me service not found

(I have restarted Litespeed from DirectAdmin which is the only thing I can restart from my list there).

How can I restart php in this damn thing in a simple way?!

It is all complicated and absurd with this webserver panel and nothing ever works with the first try. I have been managing over ten thousand websites in the past 27 years, had tens of my own web servers in co-location facilities and have used all sorts of web server software. I have never seen anything like this thing...every single task is over complicated and nothing works smoothly. Then the "support" has arrogant people that provide zero help.
Something messed up with build i think
Try to rebuild your DA installation with ./build all
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build all d

if that not work try to reset your global permission
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
./ all
every single task is over complicated and nothing works smoothly.
Maybe you did some customizing? Because almost everybody has no issues with installation and all things work out of the box from the beginning.
I've been running DA for 17 years now and also still running a server on cPanel and have run Plesk too shortly (glad I got rid of that one).

If it was so bad as you say it would rain complaints, which it doesn't, so you might have a thought if the cause is not something else.

If you start adding things to php.ini then things tend to go wrong as this is just not required anymore, we added those lines in DA's php.ini like 10 years ago or something.

So I hope the solution Active8 is working for you.
We don't know which plugins do you use, the best ways to checking if it's exists or not. Should test with small php script.

var_dump( class_exists('Imagick')  );