Implementing SSL???


Verified User
May 4, 2004
I don't have DA yet, but I will soon. I was just wondering how hard it is to implement SSL into different user's sites. What do you have to do to implement SSL and how would you get to the SSL secured pages of the site. What I mean by that is, can any directory be SSL protected, or do you have to have a whole separate section of the site be SSL protected. I have read that you cannot use SSL with Name-Based Virtual Hosting, is this true? I hope someone can answer all of my SSL questions.

It's a simple matter of hosting the site on it's own (non shared) IP#, turning on SSL, adding a Secure Cert, and uploading pages and supporting files to the private_html directory.

You can protect down to any level you you want, per directory or even per domain.

Since DA uses a separate directory structure for ssl-protected directories (under private_html), you'll need to move files and/or directories which need to be ssl protected into their own directory structure.

You'll also need to have all required supporting files (such as image files for your site look and feel) copied to the same directory structure in the private_html directory tree.
