IMPORTANT: new releases for all products


Verified User
Nov 24, 2004
Hong Kong
Since we have successfully upgraded our licensing system from PHPAudit v2 to SPBAS v1.8, new versions for all our plugin products have been released in order to take advantages of the new licensing system.

Other than supporting the new licensing system, tons of new features have been implemented. For example:

  • Rails in DA: Support for Rails 2.3/3 and Phusion Passenger
  • DA-Tomcat: Support for Tomcat 6
  • DA-PgSQL: Support for PostgreSQL 8.4/9
  • DeeperAdmin: Added many new DirectAdmin configuration options
  • Support for our new file repository; Support for PHP Express loaders update for plugins; installation options for SQLite, Phusion Passenger; etc.

You are STRONGLY advised to upgrade ALL your existing installations of our plugin products. Older versions of our software relies on the legacy system, PHPAudit v2, for license validation; while the planned removal date of our existing PHPAudit v2 is 2010 Jan 30 -- you will no longer able to use any of your purchased plugins after the removal.

With the help of the script, upgrading our plugins just take you a few minutes.

To install the script:
# mkdir -p /usr/local/directadmin/
# cd /usr/local/directadmin/
# wget
# chmod 755

Make sure to run a update whenever you use the script:
# ./ update

To update the plugins, run any of the following commands accordingly:
# ./ rails_in_da
# ./ da-tomcat
# ./ da-pgsql
# ./ deeperadmin
# ./ idm
# ./ da-pear

We have been working hard on the documentations and changelogs for the new releases. Should you have any queries, please feel free to conact us through the following channels:

Community Forums -
Temporary Helpdesk -
(A new one which is built-in with SPBAS will be launched soon)
Does RiD support RVM? When selecting passenger, does it write straight to httpd.conf and users' custom config files?
Does RiD support RVM? When selecting passenger, does it write straight to httpd.conf and users' custom config files?

RVM is not supported at the moment.

And yes, it adds custom httpd config to the domain! When you create a new app, a subdomain with the same name will also be created. The plugin will then smart enough to insert a piece of custom httpd config to the domain, specifying the DOCROOT and other directives such as RailsEnv for that particular subdomain. You can also modify the template of the custom httpd config at the backend, so that you can add any other directives if you want.
NuSphere error in RiD


I have ordered and installed rails in DA but getting "Error: NuSphere PHP Express is not installed" error when enter in DA plugin menu.

"NuSphere PhpExpress" already installed as you can see in my php info page:

PHP version is 5.3 . How can I solve the problem?

Thank you,

I have ordered and installed rails in DA but getting "Error: NuSphere PHP Express is not installed" error when enter in DA plugin menu.

"NuSphere PhpExpress" already installed as you can see in my php info page:

PHP version is 5.3 . How can I solve the problem?

Thank you,

I have same problem, but i use DA-Tomcat. What is problem?
I bought deeperadmin 2 - 3 days ago but I haven't got my license yet, I created a ticket and I also mailed the transaction but I haven't got any reply from anyone, just complete silence, and my invoice is still marked as unpaid.

Something may didn't processed well, things happen I know but I haven't any reply from support so decided to post it here maybe I get some more attention.

It seems that DeeperAdmin is not working for me...

This is what I get when I try to access deeperadmin:
Warning: require(/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/DeeperAdmin/include/cache/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/DeeperAdmin/include/global.func.php on line 0 Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/DeeperAdmin/include/cache/' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/DeeperAdmin/include/global.func.php on line 0
You installed ror rails for DA for me a couple years ago, but it never worked. I'm trying to get this fixed but you didn't respond to my support request. Please PM me with a way to get support.
Really unhappy with this products

I have bought da_tomcat 2 weeks ago and have only problem with it.

- first : it's not clear what to do once you buy it. There's no guideline you have to find the info by yourself.
- the forum is full of spam (95% of the messages) this doesn't makes me confident about security issues. For a plugin meant to be installed on a server... :(
- I opened a ticket one week ago and it has not been answered yet.

So, two weeks after, it is still not working. My customer is waiting to put he's website online. He's becoming crazy.

I did not find any way to clean uninstall either.

This is a really poor service that has nothing to compare with the level of service directadmin team provide.