impossible to connect using TLS


New member
Jul 12, 2015
Hi DA Team

I have checked and re-checked many forum threads to see if there is a solution to my problem but it seems that there isn't yet...
so, I'm sysadmin for some centos-Directadmin servers. All of them has Centos 6.4, CB 1.2, proftpd and all that things.

The problem is that there is not a user that can connect throught the ftp using TLS secure connection. I have passive ports enabled into csf (30000:35999 for any case) and I tried using proftpd and pure-ftpd servers, but the problem still the same

Estado: Resolviendo la dirección de
Estado: Conectando a
Estado: Conexión establecida, esperando el mensaje de bienvenida...
Estado: Inicializando TLS...
Estado: Verificando certificado...
Estado: TLS connection established.
Estado: Conectado
Estado: Recuperando el listado del directorio...
Comando: PWD
Respuesta: 257 "/" is the current directory
Comando: TYPE I
Respuesta: 200 Type set to I
Comando: PASV
Respuesta: 227 Entering Passive Mode (190,105,225,26,140,8).
Comando: MLSD
Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Error al recuperar el listado del directorio

Do you now if there is any other issue reported?
I tried connecting it with firewall enabled and disabled, as the same with csf, but no way.
In fact, users can connect using Only use Plain FTP option

One more thing, there is not a chance to change the ftp client, those are hosting servers so many users just knows filezilla XD

I'll appreciate your help on that

kind regards