In addition to bash, if you could only learn one scripting language, which would it be?


Verified User
Feb 27, 2006
In addition to bash, if you could only learn one scripting language, which would it be? I generally work in programming languages, not scripting languages. bash is simple, but sometimes too simple to where I lose a lot of time and write some ugly code to get around its limitations. I know perl and python are out there, but I would like to hear your opinions and reasons.

If I can use PHP, I will use PHP to write some shortly code because there are too many function on their.
so small code, small file is best programming.

but depended on works process.
if no choice. I still use bash. ( Any program come with Base OS Installer )
Oh duh! Thanks for jarring my mind. I sometimes use scripts to reset php processes like php(x)-fpm, and I was thinking I would be jerking the carpet from underneath myself, but that's not true. I was thinking of a ?NIX version of PowerShell, but PHP could work fine, and worth installing even if the box doesn't host web sites. That's about as good and portable as it gets without using a compiled language, and they are always improving it.
It depends on what you are working with. If you are creating tasks to manage Linux OS, bash is the way to go and it is easier to write compared to others. For CLI programming, if you need an alternative to bash, go with Python instead of PHP.

It depends...

If it is for CLI: Bash, Python and Perl.

If it is for web, JavaScript and PHP.

If it is for CLI: Bash, Python and Perl.
I that's what it has been. Bash is like working with DOS batch files. It's better in most respects and worse in others. Python and Perl are unintuitive which makes their code less maintainable. (When I wrote this code, only God and I knew what did. Now only God knows.)

I'm going to look into GO. Zabbix monitoring wrote their Agent2 in it because they said it makes it easy to write templates to extend the agent, and it is faster than C anyway. With the name and their mascot I had low expectations but after reading and watching, I'm convinced enough to try it and perhaps make it my go-to for writing utility programs. GO reads like a book and you can compile it into an executable.

I will always have to install Python and Perl to support what I didn't write, but to me they are simply work-arounds for Bash limitations and nothing more. GO may very well end up being my my go-to. The code reads like a book, faster than C, you can compile it into an executable, none of the limitations of Bash. It's difficult to find something not to like. I'll let you know how it goes when I get some time.
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If I had the time I would learn them all. I really liked DCL back in the day.. A friend tried to teach me COBOL once. I just never had the patience for coding. I still like the bourne shell...
I remember COBOL, took it for two years in school (1990), didn't really enjoy it. But did enjoy Turbo Pascal and ASM back then.

BASH & PHP are my usually usual go to languages these days for linux/bsd/web, ages ago i used to regularly write in perl, especially for web cgi based dynamic web sites and automation. Started learning python and GO not too long ago, mostly for automation, still a work in progress (lack of time problem).