include_once does not behave as expected


New member
Apr 20, 2023

I am using the following line:
include_once __DIR__ . '\script\framework.php';

The include_once line is located in /public_html/index.php
The framework.php file is located in -> /public_html/script/framework.php
It contains a block of html I want to print on the page

The issue
Nothing happens. No error just a blank page without the include_once having any effect. What am I missing?
Are you a Directadmin admin or reseller? If not, you're on the wrong forum, this is a support forum for DA admins and resellers only.

As for your question, maybe you need to use / instead of \ character.
I am using Directadmin. There is Apache error logs I find through the System Info > Statistics. But these are very limited and did not show errors when I ran the software. I am guessing because "include_once" throws a warning but I only recently started working with Directadmin so trying to make my way. : )

Thank you for your reply. It fixed this issue.
first thing, you must use "/" for linux system. or use this variable to comparative between window and linux system.
Thank you for your reply. It fixed this issue.
You're welcome.
Sorry for the questions but normally we see more questions about the panel itself, so hence I was wondering.

You might want to (carefully) also start to work or find things via SSH.
For example the /var/log/httpd/domains/ and error log might also be helpful in some cases.