incoming messages and spam folder


Verified User
Nov 9, 2004
So, I don't run SpamAssassin, Easy spam fighter on this server, because I have external commercial antispam filters already. However, some incoming messages only appear in Spam folder, not Inbox.

Why so? I thought SA would do it, but I don't have SA on the server. What moved those messages to spam folder then?

Another thought is IMAP synchronization from user's Outlook and the server. I would imagine:
- Firstly, the incoming messages really reached the inbox.
- Secondly, when user used Outlook checking, Outlook marked those messages as spam, and moved automatically to spam folder. But then in that case, is there any log showing that movement?

Anyone notices this issue?
Neither maillog nor dovecot log show anything related to messages. Exim maillog only shows that messages saved to recipient's mailbox. It doesn't show that is inbox or junk box.
A default exim.conf won't move incoming emails into a SPAM folder if you don't use either SpamAssassin or ESF. So it might be custom filters on the server side: check filtering rules in directadmin and RoundCube if you use pigeonhole, or custom rules of a IMAP client on a client's side.

Check RFC headers of a filtered email for possible clues.
No, I found the reason. Some people use MyMail service, and that service moved emails right away when there were new mails in inboxes. Very disappointed. I sent out a warning to my customers for stopping using that.