Increasing maximum possible php values cloudlinux php selector


Verified User
Oct 23, 2020

Anyone have an idea on how i can increase the maximum possible PHP values on the cloudlinux PHP selector ?

My config only goes up to 512MB for the memory_limit and 128MB for the post_max_size . I would like to increase these values.

Any ideas . Please refer to the image below .

Screenshot 2022-08-20 095451.png
That's rather a Cloudlinux question than a DA question.

I found this on the net, you can change values here:
but I don't know if you have to restart something afterwards like php or cloudlinux or something.
That's rather a Cloudlinux question than a DA question.

I found this on the net, you can change values here:
but I don't know if you have to restart something afterwards like php or cloudlinux or something.

Thank you, this solved my issue, I restarted PHP and it worked out of the box.