index.html and default page problem


Verified User
Sep 8, 2004
Boca Raton, FL
We have embedded php into index.html. When we go to the php executes properly. When we go to then the php does not execute properly. The index.html is the page that displays in both cases. We have tried this in subdirectories ( and and it works fine. Just not on the top directory (public_html)
The php calls to another server outside of our control, but we have tried this on another server not running directadmin and it works fine.
Any ideas?
Look at Floyd's posts again. Then look at your first post. Maybe you'll catch the subtle hint he's giving you. x3

As for your problem, unless you have Apache set to execute .html files through the PHP engine using a Mimetype for it, it'll just get shown as plaintext.
I guess it was a little too subtle.

We really need to see your actual site not some fake site. I have things that I look for. I don't tell people what I am looking for because I don't want them to tell me that they have already checked it. I want to see it for myself. I cannot tell you the number of times I have been through a diagnosis and after hours I find out they answered a question wrong in the first few minutes.

Give us your real site and get real answers. Give us a fake site and get fake answers.

As for your problem, unless you have Apache set to execute .html files through the PHP engine using a Mimetype for it, it'll just get shown as plaintext.

In his first post he said the index.html executes. But that is why I want to see his actual site. I believe nothing a person tells me when it comes to diagnostics.
We found the problem. PHP wasn't passing address of the url /index.html but passing the file.php which was the file containing the php code in the SSI file. We had tried the put the code into the html, but it didn't work. We have to use the SSI. Although we found the problem and fixed it on the remote server, but it is strange as our other servers pass the /index.html address. In anycase it is fixed.
Thanks to all