Install DA on other custom name partition other than /home


Verified User
Jul 5, 2006
I have some partitions where i have lot of space to manager my emails,so How can i install DA on other custom name mounted partitions than /home & /var partition.

Os : Cent OS 5.3
RAM : 32G

M: 09663361030.
DirectAdmin gets installed in /usr/local not /home or /var
Thats correct, I was saying i dont want to put my email setups,mails and domains on /home or /var but on other custom name mounted partitions because i've lot of space to manager there.
Please reply and guide me.

DirectAdmin gets installed in /usr/local not /home or /var
You can use symbolic links to point to the other partition names.
Thanks buddy, 1 more thing How can I create multiple users in one shot with some default password and quota as its there in Googleapps? also the groups too.

Thanks in Advance.

You can use symbolic links to point to the other partition names.
Thanks Again.
On another thing,We have 1 domain under googleapps, How can I backup all emails from it and restore it in DA.
for an individual email id google has 1 tool to download all emails in 1 folder,but my question is how can we restore it in DA.

Also where can i take a Trial version of DA to test all these.
Please guide me.


there are no trial verison of da except the demo on website but, i think that for restore that folders youll need ssh access.

Im sorry i cant be more helpful
You may be able to get a trial DirectAdmin license by writing DirectAdmin Sales.

Moving full imap folderls to DirectAdmin can be done; it's tedious, and you need a good understanding of how IMAP folders are stored.
