Install Open ERP

Sorry I'm beginner and I don't see where they explain to install on the server with Direct Admin.

Thank you,
Directadmin neither regulates nor limits this, so install the software as if you had no Directadmin on your server.
I only have access to the Direct Admin panel ... where should I install open erp, wich file ?
Reading the documentation Alex linked to, you'll need root shell access to your server, and you'll most likely need to install PostgreSQL as well, as it's generally not installed in DirectAdmin servers.

Considering what you are posting, you shouldnt even attempt this. Hire someone who knows what they are doing.
Okay thanks NoBoloney2 you reply was very helpful, I contact the server administrator.

SCSI> sorry I would write upload and note download ...
How can I open .exe when it UPLOAD on the sever
Okay thanks NoBoloney2 you reply was very helpful, I contact the server administrator.

You could read it yourself by links given to you.

SCSI> sorry I would write upload and note download ...
How can I open .exe when it UPLOAD on the sever

Why would you ever want to do anything with EXE on your Linux powered server? You can host it within users homedir and allow to download it from your server. If you want to run it, download it to PC with Windows OS and execute it there.