Install problems since the beginning


Verified User
Feb 8, 2008
Hallo, I am attempting to move all the clients to a new updated VPS with the latest DA vers.
Here is the story.
1- Backuped and moved via admin all the accounts from the old to the new VPS. Messy situation: wrong stats reports ie. bandwith, account etc
2- Reinstalled DA and second trial. I backuped all the accounts and moved them via reseller. Lots of problems once again: accounts have been moved to the new VPS via ftp and I can find them in the list... restore doesn't work at all, that is restore is queued but accounts are not restored/diplayed in the reseller list. Other troubles such as DA blank pages, file missing so DA doesn't work properly at all !

Please any idea, advice ??
Thanks a lot
It sounds like you need to hire a DirectAdmin system administrator.
You are probably right, but I am trying to do my best before giving up. It is the human normal way to learn something :) isn't it ?
Its just that you have run into so many problems it sounds like something is not set up right or either or both servers or something else is very wrong. I have done this procedure many times without any problems. Are you sure you are using the Admin Backup/Transfer feature?
I experienced problems in the past with the admin backup system, confirmed even by others. When I attempted this procedure (via Admin) DA have showed lots of malfunctionings that is wrong usage stats ecc., blank pages
... so I chose the reseller backup way that has never given problems in other similar situations; now something in going wrong... :(
I moved a few from one DA to another DA, I used the user backup option and then uploaded the backup to the new server (after setting up the account) did a restore from that, excluding the DNS, all went perfect