install SpamAssassin


Verified User
Apr 15, 2014

I am having problems installing SpamAssassin, I have changed the spamassasin settings at the options to yes

when I build it ./build spamassassin I get:

"Press enter to answer [yes] if it asks you to install dependencies (it will prepend them to the queue)
Answer no if it asks: Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] no
*** The make has failed, would you like to try to make again? (y,n):"

if I do:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts

I get:

"Cannot find /usr/bin/spamd. Check above for errors or missing perl modules.
If needed, use cpan to install the missing modules, eg:
cpan -i Archive::Tar Digest::SHA Mail::SPF IP::Country Net::Ident IO::Socket::INET6 Compress::Zlib Mail::DKIM LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Date Encode::Detect ExtUtils::MakeMaker NetAddr::IP Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 Razor2::Client::Agent IO::Socket::SSL DBI

Press enter to answer [yes] if it asks you to install dependencies (it will prepend them to the queue)
Answer no if it asks: Are you ready for manual configuration? [yes] no"

so what is the best way to install SpamAssassin with CustomBuild 2.0 ?

thank you
You need to install the missing perl modules either from your OS pakages or with CPAN. Custombuild does not add those modules, so that's up to you to add them to your system.
can you tell me how can I install the CPAN modules in Centos 6.5?
Thank you