Install ssl existing subdomain under admin account?


Verified User
Apr 20, 2008
How can I install ssl on a existing subdomain that is under admin account without deleting the subdomain?

Do I need to set its ip in apache?

A little detailed ins. would be very helpful.

Also on subdomain management, there is no ssl installing option, so how do I create the key?
You need to create the subdomain under a different user with its own ip and it has to be added as a regular domain not a subdomain.
Which means lots of work :( as web site has lots of configuration.. Can I edit custom httpd.conf in admin panel and set the new ip ? Also must I then set the dns?

Or just do what you say :)
You can make all the changes manually if you want but that is also a lot of work if you don't already know how to do it. The site needs its own ip to use ssl. You also then cannot use DirectAdmin for that site anymore and you should chattr +i any configuration files so DA does not overwrite them. You will also have to create the key and csr manually and manually install the certificate.