installation Directadmin, choose version service or exclusion


Verified User
Dec 1, 2019
I followed the installation instructions and entered the key to install directadmin with just 1 command.

However, such installation cannot configure multiple php and versions mysql, webserver, redis,... as required.
Because each installation like this will take a lot of time, so I have to wait for the build to finish, edit the options file and then have to rebuild the customizations in the options file.

I hope admin will guide you when installing such a command. It might give you a better choice, it will take more time.
I hope admin will guide you when installing such a command. It might give you a better choice, it will take more time.
You can create your own options.conf file. Create the /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ directory before installation and put the adjusted options.conf file in there.
Then start the setup and DA will use that options.conf file and install everything what is in there.
In your opinion, you need to create a file before installing the options.conf file. Create the /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/

step 1 mkdir -p /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ && cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ && touch options.conf
With the options.conf file the configurations need to be installed

step 2 bash <(curl -fsSL 'Provided license key should go here'

Am I understanding what you mean correctly?
You can create your own options.conf file. Create the /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ directory before installation and put the adjusted options.conf file in there.
Then start the setup and DA will use that options.conf file and install everything what is in there.
&& touch options.conf
This last part doesn't do anything. It only creates an empty options.conf file, so you can leave that out because it's not of any use if it's empty, might even cause problems.

So the next stop should be to provide (for example rsync) an existing options.conf file, filled with the options you want to have installed, for example from the old server, to the new server's /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ directory. Or copy the content of the old server to the new server's options.conf file.

Step 2 seems correct to me, I normally do that manually with wget.
This last part doesn't do anything. It only creates an empty options.conf file, so you can leave that out because it's not of any use if it's empty, might even cause problems.

So the next stop should be to provide (for example rsync) an existing options.conf file, filled with the options you want to have installed, for example from the old server, to the new server's /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ directory. Or copy the content of the old server to the new server's options.conf file.

Step 2 seems correct to me, I normally do that manually with wget.
step 1 mkdir -p /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/ && wget -OP /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/options.conf htttps://domain/options.conf
With the options.conf file the configurations need to be installed

step 2 bash <(curl -fsSL 'Provided license key should go here'

Thanks you.