Verified User
I am migrating from one hosting server to another. I am in the process of installing DA on the new box, but am getting the following error. Could it be related to the fact that the installed server is CentOS and my license is Fedora? Would that make a difference? (I know I will have to update it eventually)
Any ideas? Thanks!
I am migrating from one hosting server to another. I am in the process of installing DA on the new box, but am getting the following error. Could it be related to the fact that the installed server is CentOS and my license is Fedora? Would that make a difference? (I know I will have to update it eventually)
--14:03:00-- https://www.directadmin.com/cgi-bin/daupdate?uid=2733&lid=5655
Resolving www.directadmin.com...
Connecting to www.directadmin.com||:443... failed: Cannot assign requested address.
Any ideas? Thanks!