Installation including VOIP


New member
Feb 8, 2011

I'm looking for a way to install directadmin and a voip server together on a server.
Searched with google but there are no clear answers for this.
All i know right now is to install direct admin first (because of use msql,php,apache etc) and then install a voip application.
But can't figur out how to install without corupting DA.
Your question is too general. Would you be more specific and tell us what software for VOIP you're going to use?

Your question is too general. Would you be more specific and tell us what software for VOIP you're going to use?

i have good experience with trixbox (used it by installing the distro version)
So i like to have a common install of trixbox on top of Directadmin so i can use my server for more then only 10 phone lines :)
You can't install Trixbox (or PiAF, or any of the similar others) because they wipe the entire system and start over.

You can probably install both Asterisk sand FreePBX in your server (these are the main programs run by Trixbox), but you'll have a lot more to do depending on what you want, and you'll need lots of dependencies.

If you want to take the time you might try first installing Trixbox and then installing DirectAdmin. It probably won't work, but you could always try.

We've got a lot of experience with VoIP and lots of space in our datacenter but we still decided to go with a hosted PiAF, because we wanted our phones to work even if our website was down.

(If you call me you're using VoIP; we don't have POTS either at the office or my home, and my published cellphone number is also a VoIP number which forwards to my cellphone.)

that is what i was afraid of since i couldn't find anything on the net about a howto..
But do keep in mind that all the Trixbox and PiAF ISOs really are, are a bunch of programs, mostly Asterisk and FreePBX. So self-installing is something you could try.
