Installation problems customapache on clean Debian 4 install

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Verified User
Aug 24, 2008
Hi everyone,

After trying to install directadmin with custombuild, I gave up. No mather what configuration, even default, I used, I constantly got errors. Before every Directadmin install, I formatted the harddisk and started with a clean Debian 4 install.

-absolute minimal install using netinstaller
-apt-get install build-essential
-apt-get install bind
-apt-get install ssh
-apt-get install libperl-dev (with the last installs)

I now tried customapache and I got errors again:(

In the beginning I couldn't restart apache because of problems about perl. Since I installed libperl-dev, this isn't giving me the errors, but I still can't restart apache.

Now I got:
touch: cannot touch '/var/lock/subsys/httpd': No such file or directory

In google I found a so called solution:
ln -s /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd

My apache is running now, but I still get the same error:
touch: cannot touch '/var/lock/subsys/httpd': No such file or directory

Directadmin is not running, I guess the install is not finished yet.

Please, does anyone has a clue how to fix this problem?

Is it normal I have all these errors, no mather wat type of install and config I use? I installed Directadmin a few years ago, also on Debian without any problems...

Thanx in advance,

Contact me if you want, I'll install DirectAdmin+CustomBuild for you (for free).
I really appreciate that, but I would like to learn something and hopefully succeed in installing it myself.

The strange thing is I have multiple errors, no mather what install I choose.

I never had problems with installing directadmin in the past... Is Debian 4 a bad choice?

I really would appreciate your support in helping me fix the errors I get.

Maybe the forum isn't the best place for that and maybe msn of email is a better idea? I can make a debian 4 install howto and post it here...
Have you checked to make sure your license is for the same OS you're installing?

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your quick reply!

I contacted John by email. The problem was a wrong IP. Server still at home and not in DC. (Sorry, my mistake... In the past I installed DA the same way and it worked, so I thought...)

I connected the server directly to my cable modem so it has an external IP and Mark has changed the IP in de licence so this should work now.

I did a format again and reinstalled DA using custombuild; but same problem...

Because I prefer custombuild and just tried customapache to see if it would work, maybe it's better to close this thread and continue the conversation at: ?

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